CrossFit classes follow the methodology of CrossFit, Workouts consist of constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements, and are most fun and effective among friends.

CrossFit Kids
Crossfit Kids classes are held in a group setting, and include age-appropriate training for different age groups. Classes include a warm up, skill work, and workout. Kids sometimes do train using appropriate weight loads and equipment. Our classes are fun and safe.

CrossFit Teens
Crossfit Teens is a strength and conditioning programme that combines age-appropriate cardio, weightlifting and gymnastics movements, combined with high intensity training to deliver improved fitness and performance, as well as establishing a love of fitness.

Masters 55+ Legends
Masters sessions are the answer to this. Come along and be coached through a full range of motion functional movements designed to make you more capable now and in your later years so you can live an independent and enjoyable life.

Olympic Weightlifting
Proper Olympic weightlifting training will include a regimen of weightlifting exercises which primarily focus on learning or improving the two movements, Snatch and CLean & Jerk.

Open Gym
These are non coached classes, where the gym is open for you to train outside normal classes to get your training in around your busy work life.